Opening ceremony of the 9th International Parliamentary Games

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Opening ceremony of the 9th International Parliamentary Games
Chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs Mikhail Degtiarev
Opening ceremony of the 9th International Parliamentary Games
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Anatolii Karpov and member of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs Rima Batalova
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs Sergei Krivonosov
Member of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs Dmitrii Svishchev and leader of LDPR faction Vladimir Zhirinovskii
First Deputy Chairwoman of the Committee on International Affairs Svetlana Zhurova
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Anatolii Karpov
Opening ceremony of the 9th International Parliamentary Games
Opening ceremony of the 9th International Parliamentary Games
Opening ceremony of the 9th International Parliamentary Games
Chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs Mikhail Degtiarev
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Anatolii Karpov and member of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs Rima Batalova
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs Sergei Krivonosov
Member of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs Dmitrii Svishchev and leader of LDPR faction Vladimir Zhirinovskii
First Deputy Chairwoman of the Committee on International Affairs Svetlana Zhurova
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Anatolii Karpov