Viacheslav Volodin closed the spring session 2018

Chairman of the State Duma Viaсheslav Volodin summarized outcomes of the spring session of the State Duma at his closing speech on 27 June. He noted that spring session took place in a period filled with different political events: Presidential elections, the appointment of the Chairman of the Government and its members, approval of the head of the Accounts Chamber and the Address of the President to the Federal Assembly
Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin
Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin

The Chairman reminded about national goals established by the May order of the President that include the growth of real income and pensions above inflation rates, twice decrease of poverty, increase of average lifetime to more than 80.

Only in July members of the State Duma reviewed 22 drafts aimed at the realization of these national projects. Thus the calculation scheme for property tax on cadastral value was amended allowing to decrease citizens’ tax burden. The Speaker informed that amending the 2018 budget the State Duma allocated additional resources to the renewal of school buses and ambulance cars, purchase of medications,

Viacheslav Volodin Volodin Vyacheslav Victorovich Volodin
Vyacheslav Victorovich
The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the eighth convocation. Elected in single mandate constituency № 163 (Saratov constituency - Saratov Oblast)
pointed out that to increase average lifetime a complex approach that should include an increase of availability and quality of medical aid, provision of life-saving drugs is needed.
The Chairman mentioned the FIFA World Cup. He emphasized that one more time our country proved that it can realize large-scale projects and win.

The Speaker thanked the members of the State Duma for intensive work. At the beginning of the autumn session, the members will have twice fewer drafts to review than in October 2016. The members of the State Duma managed to review not only current drafts but also drafts that have been waiting to be reviewed since 1994.

He informed that from the beginning of the work of the Duma of 7th convocation 66 drafts were introduced by the President, 300 by the Federation Council and its members, 617 by the Government, 21 by the Supreme Court, 1054 by members of the State Duma, and 428 by regional legislative assemblies. The Chairman noted that experts, representatives of civil society, scientific and business institutions worked on the drafts.

Viacheslav Volodin stated that international activity of the Duma shall be aimed at ”protection and promotion of our country’s interests, development of bilateral relations, a solution of pressing tasks, and strengthening of economic and humanitarian cooperation”. The Chairman pointed out that a new form of parliamentary work shall be used; the interparliamentary cooperation shall be formed on basis of substantial agenda. As practice has shown cooperation within the framework of interparliamentary commissions is one the most effective. It allows specifying the issues that needed to be solved, ensure discipline of both sides in keeping and developing the dialog. In combination with the cooperation of relevant committees and parliamentary factions with their foreign partners, it makes work within the framework of a parliamentary dimension more systematic and, what is more important, more effective.

Concluding the Speaker informed that it was the longest and the most intensive session in the Duma’s history since 1999. To archive the Duma’s tasks, the session was extended till the end of July, and the number and duration of meetings were increased. 

The Chairman of the State Duma closed the spring session.
