“A new version of the Concept of Migration Policy of the Russian Federation has been signed today, President Vladimir Putin informed about this. I hope that the new state policy on working with compatriots will help eliminate the existing bureaucratic restrictions and will lead to simplification of the procedure of obtaining Russian citizenship, along with the legislative initiatives have already being considered. However, unfortunately, often it all rests not even on the laws, but on the shameful indifference of officials or their fear that some “wrong” people will come to Russia,” said Petr Tolstoy
Petr Olegovich
He added that the development of interaction with millions of Russian compatriots living abroad is the most important state task. The priority goal in this direction is consolidation, unity, strengthening of the Russian diaspora, as well as the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of compatriots.
Petr Tolstoy reminded that this year the State Duma has significantly simplified the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship for immigrants from Ukraine. In addition, the government bill on simplified citizenship for compatriots is being considered by the State Duma. The President of Russia is empowered to determine the categories of foreign citizens eligible for this. First of all, it will affect those who are in trouble, in a difficult life situation. The same bill simplifies the admission to the Russian citizenship of participants of the state program on assisting the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to Russia.
In addition to problems with obtaining Russian citizenship, there is an acute issue of countering Russophobic sentiments, stressed Petr Tolstoy.
“The more actively and aggressively the Russophobic policy of a number of countries becomes, the more we appreciate the desire of compatriots to actively disseminate objective information about modern Russia, its history, achievements in education, science and technology in their countries of residence. Support from compatriots of their historical Motherland moves to the forefront under such conditions. Now, more than ever, we need each other,” he concluded.