Chairman of the Committee on Health Protection Dmitrii Morozov
Dmitrii Anatolieviсh
spoke about the health care system of the Russian Federation and the legislative work of the Committee.
Members of the delegation asked questions about the availability of high-tech medical care in Russia, the treatment of rare diseases, the work of nursing staff in patient care, the health insurance system in the Russian Federation, the work of air ambulance, the development of digital technologies in health care and telemedicine.
Answering questions Dmitrii Morozov noted that in Russia every citizen can receive highly qualified medical care free of charge, at the expense of compulsory medical insurance and the federal budget. The development of information technologies in the health care sector is underway. He informed German colleagues about laws on telemedicine, palliative care, including home care, and clinical recommendations.
Dmitrii Morozov and German guests exchanged souvenirs and expressed confidence in further dialogue.