Israel’s Knesset member Evgeny Sova said: “We are very pleased with the statements that we hear from the Russian leadership, in particular, from President Vladimir Putin, about his commitment to Israel’s security.”
See also
According to him, there is a good dialogue mechanism between Russia and Israel. “We are very pleased that today Russia is listening to the challenges that not only Israel is facing but the whole world, and which were also stated at the Forum’s agenda. These are issues of countering international terrorism and issues of development of digital technology,” he said.
Chairman of the State Duma was invited to visit Ecuador
Bilateral relations between Russia and Ecuador are now at a very high level, said César Litardo, President of the National Assembly of Ecuador.
He reminded that Russia ranks sixth in the list of the main economic partners of Ecuador, and Ecuador is third in the ranking of Russian trade partners in Latin America.
“I hope that our joint efforts, our cooperation will help in the fight against corruption and organized crime at the global level,” said César Litardo.
He also conveyed an invitation to visit Ecuador to Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin
Vyacheslav Victorovich
The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the eighth convocation. Elected in single mandate constituency № 163 (Saratov constituency - Saratov Oblast)
The 2nd International Forum ”Development of Parliamentarism“ is held on the initiative of the State Duma on July 1–3. This year, representatives of 132 countries have arrived at the Forum. About 800 foreign guests and delegations from 14 international parliamentary organizations take part in the events. 41 speakers representing the national parliaments take part in the Forum.
The Forum will also host the Russia-Africa parliamentary conference.