The Sixth International Conference “Russia and China: Cooperation in a New Era” was held on Tuesday, June 1. The event was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Good-Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation between Russia and China, which created the foundation for building a new type of cooperation between the two states.
“Our leaders have repeatedly stated that our states do not create any blocs or military alliances. That is right, this is our position. At the same time that is also true that a multipolar world can only be built on geopolitical cooperation of those states which want the world to be like that. There is nothing to be embarrassed about,” said Ivan Melnikov
Melnikov ![]()
Ivan Ivanovich .
Despite the fact that Russia is linked with European states by history and culture, it took time to accept the fact that “Europe is not independent in taking own decisions and actions”, as stressed the parliamentarian. Moreover, the new generation of politicians had made Europe more dependent on Washington and authorities in Brussels.
“Both Russia and China first of all think about the well-being, their national interests, their citizens, protection of their borders and “red lines”. But life proves another irrefutable fact: it is very difficult in the conditions of an imposed unipolar world just to sit in the corners and solve their own problems. Anyone who intends to be exclusive and hegemonic will not allow doing that,” said Ivan Melnikov.
He stressed that Russia and China could show a good example of a positive constructive agenda.
“For many years I have been involved in Russia-China cooperation, but I have seen only one side of it — interstate, interparliamentary, interparty. I have been a head of the Russian-Chinese Friendship Society and over the past two years I have seen so many people both in Russia and China who have a great enthusiasm, sincere interest, they organize events, popularize traditions and achievements of the two countries. Such living energy is the most serious fuel for high-level cooperation. It definitely means that such things like bringing people together, common projects can help to overcome not only difficulties of language barrier, but all other possible obstacles too,” concluded Ivan Melnikov.