The Co-Chair of the Commission, Deputy Chairwoman of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya
Irina Anatolievna
called interaction
with the parliaments of other countries an important result and achievement of the work of the Commission.
“We see the highest interest and reactions that we received to the appeal of the Russian Parliament, as we presented interim results of our investigation and stated our consolidated position regarding the preparation of the 9th BTWC Conference which has been recently held,” stressed the Co-Chair of the Commission.
She added that joint active efforts together with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other ministries made it possible to form a convincing position, which was presented by the Russian delegation in Geneva at the 9th BTWC Conference: more than 120 countries supported Russia's initiative to develop a legally binding protocol “while the USA completely and strongly denied that”.
Irina Yarovaya emphasized that such work was an unprecedented example of active participation of the Parliament in activities aimed at forming the position of the Russian Federation on the international platform, and additional global security measures were proposed for further iscussion. The work aimed at building confidence on the part of other countries, given the results achieved, should be continued, as said the Co-Chair of the Commission.
“I suggest that our Commission should prepare an appeal of the parliament to the BTWC working group containing information about our investigation and proposals for strengthening the BTWC. I believe that we should definitely use this unique opportunity,” stressed Irina Yarovaya.
As the next meeting will be held on February 6, she proposed to study the report of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) on military biological activities in Ukraine. During this period, the working groups of the Commission could prepare more detailed information containing analysis of this report, as said Irina Yarovaya.
“It is also necessary to pay special attention to the research published by German scientists and which was also published even in the United States of America, on the artificial origin of COVID. We also propose to invite Jeffrey Sachs, who chairs the Lancet COVID Commission, and former DTRA Director Kenneth Myers,” said the Co-Chair of the Commission.
According to her, “it will be right to invite and hear the views” of those scientists and compare with the materials of the parliamentary investigation. In addition, such communication would become “an indicator whether those people who are implementing a secret military biological project in Ukraine and other countries of the world are ready for an open and public dialogue or not.”
Irina Yarovaya added that in addition to the interest of colleagues from other parliaments, others were scared to discuss those issues in public. They were influenced by overwhelming role of the US intelligence services in relation to sovereign states, making them completely dependent, as she said.
“In this regard, we suggest that it would be right if the Russian parliament addressed all the world parliaments with a proposal, just like we do, to study the DTRA report in detail to compare it to the realities of the US military biological programs on the territory of those countries, and on the territory of Ukraine, and correlate with the issues of their own biological sovereignty,” emphasized the Co-Chair of the Commission.
Irina Yarovaya noted the importance of such dialogue: “The most dangerous research that the US is conducting to increase the irreversible consequences of COVID-19 and boasting of new achievements that 80–90% of deaths will be caused by a new version of COVID, which they had developed in their laboratories — this is all that the world already cannot leave without response.
“Interest in anthrax, the Zika virus, tularemia, the Ebola virus, and it is quite strange, the US showed such interest on the territory of Ukraine, and the samples that were seized there, and the tests that were taken from the Ukrainian military officers, had proved that they had come in contacts with dangerous viruses and pathogens, and that is not indirect, but real direct evidence that Ukraine is one of the testbeds of the military biological project for the production of biological weapons, which is being implemented by the Pentagon,” stressed Irina Yarovaya.
The Parliamentary Commission of the Federal Assembly of the Russian
Federation on Investigation into the Circumstances Related to Creation of Biological
Laboratories by the US Specialists on the territory of Ukraine was initiated by the State Duma. The Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin
Vyacheslav Victorovich
The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the eighth convocation. Elected in single mandate constituency № 163 (Saratov constituency - Saratov Oblast)
repeatedly stressed the need to investigate the activities of US biological
The Parliamentary Commission consists of 14 members of the State Duma and 14 senators. The Deputy Chairwoman of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya and Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev are the Co-Chairs of the Commission.