We should say
that the parliamentary investigation made it possible to take a completely new,
systematic and very versatile look at the US military biological project in the world. Undoubtedly, on international platforms, the Russian Federation has
repeatedly raised the issue of the need to expand measures of control, mutual
trust, openness, and transparency in matters of dual-purpose biological
developments,” said the Co-Chair of the Commission, Deputy Chairwoman of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya
Irina Anatolievna
The Deputy Chairwoman of the State Duma stressed that the investigation fully confirmed that the USA and NATO had created military facilities in Ukraine in the guise of biological laboratories.
“I want to draw your attention to the fact that there should be serious, controlled grounds to create real military bases in other sovereign countries, but if we are talking about NATO, then the USA creates military biological laboratories circumventing all international agreements,” she stressed.
Irina Yarovaya added that the creation of military biological laboratories on the territory of other countries provided several opportunities for the United States of America: to conduct genetic and biological experiments on people and do not care about possible protests of the American people and the consequences of violating their national legislation.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the USA started a large-scale biomedical programme on the territory of Ukraine: for example, in 1993 the USA, Canada, Sweden and Ukraine signed an Agreement on the establishment of the Ukrainian Scientific and Technological Center, in 1998 the EU countries joined the Agreement. “The accession of the EU countries leaves no doubt that the US military biological facilities in Ukraine can only be considered as operating NATO facilities,” she stressed.
When Viktor Yushchenko became a President of Ukraine in 2005, Senator Barack Obama came to the country “with a visit”, where he was shown test tubes with anthrax and plague in the Ukrainian biological laboratory, as recalled Irina Yarovaya. In 2005 the USA used strong pressure and made sign an Agreement on cooperation in the field of preventing the spread of pathogens, technologies and knowledge that can be used in the development of biological weapons, which was deliberately discriminatory for Ukraine.
“We have already heard and read in the US official [documents] that all the US efforts in relation to Ukraine were allegedly aimed at eliminating the so-called negative consequences of the activities of the USSR. However, we saw Ukrainian official documents that were presented to the BTWC and had the status of official documents, contained information that there had never been any agents of biological weapons or components on the territory of Ukraine,” emphasized the Deputy Chairwoman of the State Duma.
It can be stated with full confidence that the false arguments related to the creation of the facilities in Ukraine for resolving some strategic issues of security or humanitarian cooperation were not confirmed, as said the Co-Chair of the Commission.
Irina Yarovaya added that in August 2008, the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of Ukraine and the head of the Threat Reduction Department of the US Embassy in Ukraine signed involving providing technical assistance to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and a concept of implementation of a programme aimed at reducing biological threats in October 2009.
“We should note the fact that it was the US Embassy, those people who should be engaged in peaceful diplomacy, who were involved in the implementation of a secret military biological project. It was they who implemented the plan to control the state administration and destroy the sovereignty of Ukraine,” added the Co-Chair of the Commission.
Irina Yarovaya recalled that in January 2014, a draft law was submitted to the Verkhovna on the prohibition of deployment of virus biological laboratories by foreign states.
“In 2014, the legitimate President Viktor Yanukovych made an attempt to get free of dependence, military biological, on the USA,” emphasized the Deputy Chairwoman of the State Duma. “Based on the official reports that were made by the special services of Ukraine, this draft law banning the danger projects was introduced, while was not considered because of the coup d'état actively supported by the United States of America,” she added.
It can be stated with full confidence that the facts that the military biological project was an important part of the military exploitation of Ukraine and that “the Maidan and the coup d’état in Ukraine, supported and controlled by the USA, including in terms of countering the implementation of the restoration of Ukraine’s biological sovereignty had confirmed,” she said.
One of the first decisions of the so-called “Maidan” government of Ukraine headed by Arseniy Yatsenyuk was the early termination of the state target programme of biological safety and biological protection, as recalled the Deputy Chairwomann of the State Duma.
“Thus, Ukraine completely lost its biological sovereignty under US pressure. After the anti-constitutional coup in 2014, with the US support, the sanitary and epidemiological service was also reorganized, and already it was completely dismantled in 2017. The system of clinical examination, mandatory vaccination of the population was canceled,” added Irina Yarovaya.
All those events in connection with time and political processes leave no doubt that the military biological exploitation of Ukraine was initially aggressive, militaristic in its nature and was directed against interests of the Russian Federation, as stressed the Co-Chair of the Commission.
“The USA has actually received the right to manage the epidemiological situation in Ukraine in its own interests. Despite all those US exclusive rights, none of them was used for providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine. Moreover, such rights are used in the interests of the influence and hidden impact on the negative sanitary and epidemiological situation in Ukraine,” added Irina Yarovaya.
The Parliamentary Commission of the Federal Assembly
of the Russian Federation on Investigation into the Circumstances Related to Creation of Biological Laboratories by the US Specialists on the territory of Ukraine was initiated by the State Duma. The Chairman of the State Duma
Vyacheslav Volodin
Vyacheslav Victorovich
The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the eighth convocation. Elected in single mandate constituency № 163 (Saratov constituency - Saratov Oblast)
had repeatedly stressed the need to investigate the activities of US biological laboratories.
The Parliamentary Commission consists of 14 members of the State Duma and 14 senators. The Deputy Chairwoman of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya and Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev are the Co-Chairs of the Commission.