Vyacheslav Volodin: it is necessary to harmonize legislation and prepare model laws within BRICS

Chairman of the State Duma said that in an interview to Rossiya 1 channel on the sidelines of the 10th BRICS Parliamentary Forum, which is being held on July 11-12 in St. Petersburg

According to Vyacheslav Volodin Volodin Vyacheslav Victorovich Volodin
Vyacheslav Victorovich
The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the eighth convocation. Elected in single mandate constituency № 163 (Saratov constituency - Saratov Oblast)
, BRICS has become a “center of attraction”: “This is a new format of international cooperation, and we build relations on the principles of mutual respect, non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, and mutually beneficial cooperation.”

“We see that [BRICS] already represents almost half of the world’s population,” he said and added that the organization’s economic potential is already bigger than the G7’s.

According to him, BRICS differs from the organizations created by the United States, “when they create structures, they do it to be friends against someone or to counter the development of other countries.” “BRICS as an organization was created to mutually enrich and support each other, despite differences in approaches, differences in political systems and economic models,” said the Chairman of the State Duma.

“We should express gratitude to our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who initiated this process together with the heads of states: China, India, Brazil. And this process has already involved other countries and continents,” emphasized Vyacheslav Volodin.

The Chairman of the State Duma expressed confidence that the Parliamentary Forum and cooperation at the parliamentary level, in general, would provide enormous opportunities.

“We should create a legal space, harmonize legislation, and prepare model laws to achieve our goals in various areas of our cooperation. Therefore, today’s conversation is very constructive,” he said.